As part of Pedagogy and Pancakes we will be hosting a conference on “practical pedagogy”. A day-long session of advice, tips and tricks that can be applied directly into your practice. The Practical Pedagogy conference focuses on the practical implementation of teaching and learning strategies. Talks will focus on strategies that have been practically tested.
Practical Pedagogy was hosted at the University of Lincoln (Virtually) Monday 13th of September.
The programme for Practical Pedagogy has been split into three streams running concurrently, broken into 5 session blocks. In each session block there will be two streams including talks, and one stream with either a keynote or discussion panel. Attendees can move between streams freely attending the individual sessions they wish.
Panels and Keynotes will be assigned to the full 1.5-hour block. Individual talks are 20 minutes, with 10 minutes of QandA.
Due to large numbers, we won’t be using the chat function in MS Teams for interactive discussion. Instead participation at Practical Pedagogy will be via Padlet and Twitter. For full details pleas see our participation guide. You can also join the discord chatroom by clicking this link.
Conference Opening / 09:00 – 09:30
In the conference opening, Professor Liz Mossop (Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Lincoln) will welcome attendees to the University of Lincoln and introduce the Practical Pedagogy conference with the first talk.
Some new (academic) year resolutions
This welcome talk will set the scene for the days discussions. In it I will talk a little bit about what I have learnt about myself and my work over the last 18 months and how this will influence me over the next year. I will set out a few “new year resolutions” – something I try and do at the start of every academic year – to revisit as the year progresses. These will cover a number of topics from how I teach to how I lead.
During this session, we will also cover general housekeeping, and how to get the most benefit from the sessions.
Session 1 / 09:30 – 11:00
Stream 1 / Hanya Pielichaty (Keynote)
Chair: Patricia Jackman
Student Experience and the Learning Theme Park
Hanya Pielichaty / University of Lincoln
Join me as I navigate the Learning Theme Park stopping off at several places along the way to examine student experiences.
Stops will include the ‘runaway train’, ‘big dipper’ and ‘lost student zone’ to help us better understand how the student journey can be both exhilarating and daunting.
During this talk I will share with you stories, practical examples and tips on how I have approached student engagement over the past decade. Please do come along for the ride!
Stream 2 / Course Design
Chair: Tom Pieroni
- Strip it Down: Non-Linear Course Design and the Sex Industry
Gemma Ahearne / University of Liverpool - Using Moodle Checklists for Improving Student Online Engagement
Alexa Kirkaldy / University of Warwick - Blended Pedagogies of Care
Victoria Walden / University of Sussex
Stream 3 / Assessment
Claire Tarrant
- Assessing Clinical Practice in a Lockdown
Sue Morgan / Birmingham City University - Video-Enhanced Dialogic Assessment: online vivas for teacher assessment
Elizabeth Hidson / University of Sunderland - Balancing Pedagogy with Quality Enhancement: a review of our recent changes in process and thinking
Laura West-Burnham / Cardiff Met
Session 2 / 11:00 – 12:30
Stream 1 / Feedback
Chair: Sweta Ladwa
- Creating WISE Feedback
Dr Ian Davis / University of Southern Queensland - Redesigning assessments to better support the development of effective student engagement with online feedback
Sandy Willmott / University of Lincoln
Stream 2 / Scholarship and Impact Panel
Chair: Matt East
Panel Members
Kate Cuthbert, Academic Practice Consultant, NTU
Laura Stinson, Academic Practice Advisor, NTU
Dawne Irving-Bell, SL Teaching and Learning Development Edge Hill
Nathalie, Tasler, Lecturer (Learning Enhancement & Academic Development Service), Glasgow
Stream 3 / Learning Community
Chair: David Wooff
- The PASS Effect: enabling a student-led Computing community
Nicky Danino / University of Central Lancashire - Enhancing participation of non-native speakers of English in group work using Lego®Serious Play®.
Suzanne Faulkner / University of Strathclyde - Using Discussion Boards for Covid teaching of PGCHE
Danielle Hinton / University of Birmingham
Session 3 12:30 – 14:00
Stream 1 / Authentic Practice
Chair: Clair Ancient
- Marine Biology Fieldwork in a Virtual World
Heather Sugden / Newcastle University - DryLabsRealScience: what have we learnt to enhance lab-based teaching?
Nigel Francis / Cardiff University - Making learning relevant; connecting the curriculum and workplace
Tracy White / University of Lincoln
Stream 2 / Sally Brown (Keynote)
Chair: Chris Headleand
12 questions we need to address post-pandemic: a crowdsourced keynote
Sally Brown
In this interactive keynote, colleagues will be invited to share their responses to 12 pre-circulated questions exploring a wide variety of pedagogic and organisational issues that universities face during the ongoing pandemic and in the future. You will be asked to bring your comments, resources and ideas to the session in which you will have opportunities to interact with invited experts in what is hoped will be a very productive and future focused session
Stream 3 / Wellbeing and Tutoring
Chair: Helen Nichols
- Embedding Wellbeing Skills
Chloe Agg / University of Warwick - Developing an example institutional personal tutoring and development curriculum to support student success
Harriet Dunbar-Morris and Gavin Knight / University of Portsmouth - Peer Mentoring in a Pandemic
Kirsty Miller and Clare Cotton / University of Lincoln
Session 4 / 14:00 – 15:30
Stream 1 / Creative Pedagogy Panel
Chair: Matt East
Panel Members
Suzanne Faulkner: Teaching Fellow, Strathclyde
Tab Betts: Lecturer in HE Pedagogy, Sussex
Nigel Francis: SL, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
Kieran Hicks, University of Lincoln
Stream 2 / Diversity and Inclusion
Chair: Berenice Golding
- Diversity by Design
Rosie Elvin / Universtiy of Lincoln - Partnering with students to investigate awarding gaps and cultural representation in the curriculum
David Tree / Brunel University London - LETSS Be Culturally Competent
Rhianne Sterling-Morris / University of Lincoln
Stream 3 / Active Learning
Chair: Kay Hack
- Facilitating collaborative close reading using Talis Elevate
Dr. Ian Gwinn / University of Bournemoth - Recognising the value of interdependence through cooperative active learning
Sue Beckingham / Sheffield Hallam - Turning reading into a problem-solving exercise
Wendy Garnham / University of Sussex
Session 5 / 15:30 – 17:00
Stream 1 / Student Engagement
Chair: Liz Cleaver
- Engaging with practitioners in teaching and learning
Katie Strudwick / University of Lincoln - Tech’ and Tactile Approach to Learning and Teaching in HE
Ms Francesca Brown-Cornwall / Staffordshire University - Collaborative Annotation for summative assessment
Dannielle Green / ARU
Stream 2 / Blended Learning
Chair: Michael Shaw
- Creating Online Community in a Blended Learning Nursing Degree
Sally-Anne Wherry / University of Gloucestershire - Development and evaluation of a blended approach for delivery of an extemporaneous dispensing course
Dr Paul McCague / Queen’s University Belfast - Virtual Environment — do these really work?
Omer Rana / Cardiff University
Stream 3 / Michelle Morgan (Keynote)
Chair: Chris Headleand
Title: Supporting student transitions in 2021/22- what next?
We have experienced the most challenging, complex, and difficult period in higher education in living memory, bringing rapid innovation and new ways of thinking in how we deliver and assess learning. However, moving online has been a double-edged sword: digital poverty and online fatigue issues have been experienced by many, but it has also made learning more accessible for others .Covid19 is not disappearing anytime soon. As we approach the start of the new academic year, we need to create ‘new normal’ rules of engagement in HE to move us forward. So what do we need to think about and what are opportunities for us to embrace?
Survey Results: Download
Conference Closing / 17:00 – 17:30
In the conference closing, Chris Headleand will wrap up the event by exploring some of the key themes. We will also discuss Pedagogy and Pancakes, and the future of the Practical Pedagogy conference. During this session we will also announce winners of the three innovation awards.
Programme Committee
Chris Headleand / General Chair
I am an Associate Professor and National Teaching Fellow with over 20 years experience in a variety of teaching and learning roles. I am currently the director of Teaching and Learning at the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln. My research interests include Virtual Reality, Student Engagement, Serious Games, and Learning Communities.
Ellie Davison / Special Issue Editor
Ellie Davison is the Director of Teaching and Learning of the Advance HE CATE winning University of Lincoln Science Foundation Year and is passionate about supporting students from all backgrounds to develop the skills and confidence to thrive in HE. Ellie’s previous experience includes genetics research at the Sanger Institute, medical education at the Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine and the development of science curricula for secondary schools.
Matt East / Panel Coordinator
Matt is Education Lead at Talis Education, mainly focussing on all things Talis Elevate. Matt has worked in HE for over 10 years in a variety of education based roles. Matt is Senior Fellow of Advance HE and is dad to Loki the Springadoor
Kate Strudwick / Keynote Coordinator
My current role is Dean of LALT at the University of Lincoln. A leadership role developing teaching and learning alongside manifesto projects on innovative student engagement through Student as Producer. I have sustained disciplinary experience of leading change on a programme level and senior leadership experience, with innovations in pedagogy, policing partnerships, student experience and employability. As a criminologist I have lead on innovative pedagogical design in the School of Social and Political Sciences, with curriculum and programme portfolio. I have developed innovative pedagogy through my engagement and leadership within the British Society of Criminology and EMPAC partnership work.
Danielle Hinton / Media Lead
I’ve a strong background based in instructional design, online & distance learning with a dash of librarianship. I teach on University of Birmingham’s PGCHE (in particular I lead the distance learning programme and the core module) and contribute to our HEA fellowship scheme. I’m passionate about getting learning designs constructively aligned and scaffolded to the needs of our learners.
Ruth Ní Bheoláin / Discussion Coordinator
Ruth Ní Bheoláin is Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager in Hibernia College, Ireland and is passionate about professional development for all those involved in the delivery of higher education. Ruth is the elected chair of the Higher Education Colleges Association’s Academic Quality Enhancement Forum and is an expert reviewer for Quality and Qualifications Ireland.
Holly Tyers / Student Engagement Officer
Holly Tyers is a postgraduate student currently completing a master’s degree in Developmental Psychology. Her research focuses on maximising health and quality of life across the lifespan, with intentions to move onto a PhD in this area in the future. Holly is also interested in research and education as a whole, particularly with regards to reducing barriers to learning and engagement in group discussion, as well as the development of techniques to increase student confidence in education.
Beck McCarter / Programme Committee
Beck McCarter is an Independent Consultant in Learning, Teaching and Assessment and serves as Chair of the Training & Certification Committee of the Team-Based Learning Collaborative. Specialising in empowering pedagogies and digital learning, she works internationally to deliver transformative educational experiences. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and part of the team awarded a Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence by Advance HE in 2017.
Jitka MacAdam / Programme Committee
I have been working at Cranfield University as part of the Cranfield Water Science Institute since finishing my PhD in Cranfield in 2005. From being a post-doc working on various water and wastewater treatment related projects, I started to be more involved in teaching and became a Course Director for the Water and Wastewater Engineering MSc course in 2014. Following that I have taken on the role of Water MSc Programme Director looking after our three water related MSc courses.
Suzanne Faulkner / Programme Committee
Suzanne Faulkner is a teaching fellow in Prosthetics and Orthotics, within the department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, she is also a facilitator trained in the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) methodology. Suzanne is passionate about enhancing the student experience by focusing on improving student engagement, utilising social media in learning and teaching, innovative teaching and incorporating playful learning. She has been nominated and shortlisted for several teaching excellence awards and is currently undertaking an EdD part time.
- Dr Claire Ancient / Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (University of Winchester)
- Ruth Ní Bheoláin / Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager / (Hibernia College)
- Dr Claire Dewhirst / Head of Centre for Educational Development (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Matt East / Education Lead (Talis)
- Matthias Feist / Programme Director / Community Manager (Cloudy Foundation Enterprise Academy)
- Suzanne Faulkner / Teaching Fellow (University of Strathclyde)
- Dr Nigel Francis / Senior Lecturer (Swansea University)
- Dr Mark Glynn / Head of Teaching Enhancement Unit (Dublin City University)
- Dr Berenice Golding / School Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (University of Huddersfield)
- Danielle Hinton / Educational Developer (University of Birmingham)
- Dr Trish Jackman / Lecturer Sport and Exercise Psychology (University of Lincoln)
- Dr Sweta Ladwa / Technical Tutor in Chemistry (Loughborough University)
- Prof. Claire Lucas / Professor of Engineering Teaching and Learning (King’s College London)
- Elliot Luke / Graduate Student (Durham University)
- Dr Sara Marsham Acting Dean of Education | Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering (Newcastle University)
- Beck McCarter / Educational Development Consultant
- Dr Emma Norling / Senior University Teacher (University of Sheffield)
- Tom Pieroni / Academic Development Lead for Teaching and Learning (London Business School)
- Holly Tyers / Student Engagement Officer (University of Lincoln)
- Lisa Wakefield / Associate Professor (De Montfort University)
- Xinli Wang / Math Instructor (University of Manitoba)
- Tracy White / Associate Professor of Learning Innovation (University of Lincoln)
- Puiyin Wong / Learning Technologist (Royal College of Art)

Practical Pedagogy is being kindly supported by the Team at Talis Elevate. The team from Talis will be supporting us with their experience running large practical teaching conferences.
Talis Elevate is a collaborative annotation tool that builds discussion activity directly into the heart of resources used in teaching, spanning text-based documents, image-based content, audio, video, digitisations, and 3rd party content like YouTube.
Students can engage in different ways; privately, collaboratively, anonymously, emotively, supporting a variety of student preferences to resource usage, lowering barriers to entry for student engagement.
Underpinning all of this, Talis Elevate provides new levels of analytical insight for academics and students, helping academics make informed decisions in real-time around their teaching practice, learn more about student interaction, and to identify who may need more support.
Visit our Talis Elevate Page to find out more.

To support dissemination we encourage you to share your presentations on The National Teaching Repository. If you haven’t come across it before it is an OER, a secure space designed especially to house tried and tested practical learning and teaching focused research and resources that we know work in practice.
So to upload there is no need to register or create an account. You can simply share your work by clicking here: https://figshare.edgehill.ac.uk/submit. Please tell the system you are not a robot and then select ‘The National Teaching Repository’ from the drop down menu. Then simply drag your file to upload. Add your author details and ORCID ID if required, and request a DOI if you so wish. Please select the category that is the best fit and then add a few key words to help others to discover your work.
When it arrives we’ll review it and assign it to the ‘Pedagogy and Pancakes’ folder for you. It is that simple! Alternatively, if you prefer please send your presentation to Dawne (belld@edgehill.ac.uk /@belld17) or Nathalie (Nathalie.Tasler@glasgow.ac.uk /@drntasler) and we will upload it for you. If you would like to, please share your Twitter name and we will ‘Tweet’ and share the link to your work to help everyone to be able to find it.
Find out more about The National Teaching Repository here in this video: