9:00 am: Using Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) as Lightweight Feedback Mechanisms (LFMs)
Chris Headleand (Lincoln)

In this talk, I will discuss my experience using CATs as a way of gathering per-lecture feedback. This can help keep students engaged, and can help you to adapt and improve your taught content during a module. I will cover a few case studies and provide some quick, practical examples that you can include directly into your own practice.

9:20am: Augmented Reality in Higher Education (AR in HE)
Sara Muršić (Edge Hill)

Augmented reality (AR) has become a common element in our everyday life – it has changed the way we see our environment and the way we interact with it. In order to make our teaching practice engaging and relevant, we should recognise the potential of visualisation features this innovative technology offers. In this talk, I will introduce augmented reality and highlight features valuable for higher education teaching and learning practice. Following the theoretical foundations, a few practical examples of educational AR tools will be demonstrated. Focusing on simple, affordable and accessible designs, participants will see how to implement those ideas into their educational practice in a quick and meaningful way.

9:40am Using Lego© Serious Play© to Enhance Communication in Groupwork
Suzanne Faulkner (Strathclyde)

One of the key aspects of Lego© Serious Play© (LSP) is that everyone participates and everyone is heard. Following a skills-building exercise the students respond to questions by building their answers and subsequently communicating through their Lego © models. LSP is versatile, it can be used to facilitate meetings, problem-solving, team building. Its applications are endless.

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