9am: Challenge, change and choices
Helen Chilvers (Lincoln)
Covid-19 has had an impact on education but even more significantly on frontline health and care workers. This discussion will look at what approaches were considered to meet the needs of part-time postgraduate health and care students in resuming their studies. As the Covid-19 crisis emerged, part-time postgraduate students on all post-professional qualification programmes were interrupted en bloc to meet the demand for frontline staff in the NHS. Six months on they are cautiously being allowed to resume their studies with employing partners requesting flexible remote delivery as the only option. I will talk briefly about the face to face approaches used preCovid which included a lot of play and creative practice to promote free-flowing discussion. I’ll then discuss my decision making and pedagogic stance for the first iteration post-COVID.
9:20am: Formative assessment using Socrative and Zoom for physiology teaching during COVID-19 crisis
Mohammed Abdulla (University College Cork)
A novel approach for synchronous online assessment using the student response system, Socrative, integrated with the teleconferencing platform, Zoom, was utilised for physiology teaching in the pre-clinical years of a medical programme in University College Cork, Ireland. The goal of this integrated approach was to allow students to assemble in virtual classrooms for the provision of real-time formative assessment and feedback from instructors, irrespective of location.
9:40am: What’s the problem? Consider using Problem-based Learning in Higher Education
Alexandra Carlin (Lincoln)
We’ve all been there, you ask students if they’ve engaged with the content we provide them, and the majority of the class look at their feet in silence. This can totally railroad our planned conversation within lecture and seminar environments. One approach to alleviating this issue that’s proved successful for many focusses around developing collaboration opportunities within resources directly (known as active online reading/collaborative annotation/in resource discussion). In this session, we will investigate the challenges we face around student engagement with resources, and discuss how collaborative discussion within content can help combat this problem.
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